Animal Shelter in The Remarkable Valleys of North Vietnam

Masterplan, Architecture
North Vietnam
Site area: 42.00 Ha
Total GFA: 105,000.00 m2

The development of Animal Shelter in north Vietnam resulted from sustainable thinking and cultural consideration, focusing on preserving and enhancing the stunning location’s many natural, wildlife, and cultural assets.

To achieve a sustainable travel destination that coexists with nature, we minimised our negative impact as much as possible. Adopting a balanced density approach with sufficient outdoor green spaces was crucial in achieving this.

The mixed-use masterplan project mainly comprises residential typology, including a shophouse township, a 5-star hotel, and a unique terracing market inspired by the country’s terraced rice fields. Together with a reconverted animal sanctuary, Animal Shelter offers a memorable Vietnamese ecotourism experience.

Sustainable Architecture Inspired by Nature

The strategic placement of the central village in a gentle valley amidst complex topography resulted from conservation efforts and thorough consideration of natural forest settings.

Dedicated pathways, also known as the Green Belt, seamlessly navigate level differences, transforming previously inaccessible areas into functional paths. The unique public area connects the existing cable car station to the Animal Shelter development.

Visitors and residents can easily use the Green Belt to reach attractions like the Glass Bridge and Deer Shelter. They can also immerse themselves in nature by enjoying scenic trails through the protected pine forest and watching birds and wild animals.

The Animal Shelter’s awe-inspiring spiral tower is a central element that gradually ascends to the top, offering visitors the best panoramic view of the valley from observation decks.

The town’s undulating roof forms harmonise with the surrounding environment. A terraced local market with skylights provides visitors with unobstructed views of the valley, making it an ideal place to enjoy the scenery.

Undulating roofs of local market in Animal Shelter masterplan

The 5-star hotel, Cliff Hotel, became a natural extension of the mountain with its entrance on the peak, barely visible from the central village. The main building terraces down the cliff, giving visitors an unobstructed stunning view of the valley.

Every approach encourages positive experiences and promotes appreciation for the natural beauty of north Vietnam. Meticulously crafted ventilation and cooling solutions are aligned with the sustainability goals and strategic forest preservation objectives. These solutions aim to mitigate landslide risks and reduce environmental impacts.

Animal Shelter will strongly attract visitors and shoppers with its wide range of attractions, from lively shopping streets to serene valleys, encapsulating Vietnam’s thriving sustainable tourism industry.

Undulating roofs of local market in Animal Shelter masterplan